Thursday, March 4, 2010

Stuff that's awesome

Since I changed the name of my blog, I've been taking my sweet ass time getting around to posting anything new. I have a bit of time right now, so I will get my "blog on".
I wanted to talk about stuff that's awesome, in my eyes anyway. Not just material things, but "stuff" in general.

So lets get started! I'm not putting this in any order!

1. Family.
Why is family awesome, you ask? Because they're always there. This is my family. When I'm down in the dumps, Chris is there to pick me up. My daughter is there to give me a big hug if I'm upset. Family rules.

2. Canada.
I'm not sure I really need to explain myself here! You know & I know that Canada is awesome. We just got the most gold medals EVER in our Olympics, we're (for the most part) a polite bunch of people, and patriotic as hell! Go us!

3. Smelling nice.
The best way to do this? Spray yourself with Cool Water. Mmmmmm. Smells awesome. I love it. It's super. I'm not getting paid for this.

4. A smooth face.
How do you achieve this? This stuff right here. Props to my cousin, Ryn, who introduced me to this amazing stuff. It's called Nivea Aqua Sensation cream. It smells great, it works great! Enjoy! And remember! I'm not being paid for this......

5. Music.
Everyone should know this - music rocks. If you're feeling sad, music helps. If you're feeling angry, music helps. If you're in love, music brings that out. Music cures all that ails. Seriously.

6. Avon foundation.
I love this stuff. Not much else to say besides that. Matched with the lotion above, makes my face look & feel super!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Best. Concert. Ever.

Ok, I should have written about this back in June, but I didn't. So I'm writing about it now. This year, Chris & I went to the best concert ever, hands down. It was the Coldplay concert.

Did we pay a lot for tickets? Yes
Would we do it again? Yes
Did we enjoy the show? Yes
Did we cry? Yes (though Chris is still denying this....)

What made this concert so awesome, you're probably asking yourself. Well.....

1. Chris Martin is hot. I say that quite easily (see photo). Gwyneth Paltrow, you're a lucky lady.
2. He has wicked amazing energy.
3. I had no voice the next day. Which means I was screaming the entire time.
4. They made Chris cry. My Chris, not Chris Martin.
5. The 8 bazillion butterflies they dropped from the ceiling (see photo)
6. The huge yellow balloons they dropped from the ceiling (see photo)
7. They left the stage and sang in the stands for the people at the back of the building
8. I've heard from at least 2 people that they were given front row seats by a member of Coldplay's entourage when asked where their seats were (high rows of the 300's). That is truly awesome.
9. Did I mention they made Chris cry? I cried too. We both cried. It was amazing.
10. I still get goosebumps and shivers when I hear one of their songs live - it immediately takes me back to the concert and makes me wish they came back every year.

If you didn't have a chance to go, feel free to view a few of their songs, played here in Winnipeg, here: (the song that gives me serious goosebumps when listening to) (Yellow! Awesome huge yellow balloons were dropped on us)




Singing in the stands!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

My Favourite Things.....

It's been a long time since the last time I wrote, I'm considering changing the name of my blog, since I'm not writing everyday! (ok I've changed it)
I've been wracking my brain all morning trying to figure out what I wanted to write about today. I've decided to write about my top ten favourite things. I'm even going to provide visual aids!

1. This guy.
Not only is he hot (you know you are, so don't "tssss" at me when you read this), but he's honest, kind, caring, patient, understanding and amazing, all at once. I know I'm lucky. You don't have to tell me.

2. This guy.

Just look at him! How could I NOT love him! He's happy 99% of the time, he loves to hug & kiss with "love" (drool), he's gorgeous and he loves me!

3. These two.

Sure, the 1st picture is all cute from when they're three, but even with their different personalities, their back talk and grumpiness, they're still cute. They're also weird & funny, which is awesome because it means that our weirdness is rubbing off on them. I mean, look at those pics. You can't say that they're NOT weird.


Yeah.... yummy food. I love most of it. Tastier when made by others, even tastier when eating other people's food! Yum!
5. Family

Not just my little family, I love my entire family. It's great to have so many people care for you unconditionally. I love Chris' family, they're awesome, amazing, and NORMAL!!!! So nice to have a little bit of normalcy.
*Please note these aren't in any order, please don't assume that I like food more than I like family!*

6. Sleep

Nothing makes me feel better than a good snooze, whether it be at bed time or a 2 hour nap on couchy (our leather couch). I think everyone can agree with me on this one. Wait let me rephrase that, I'm sure you don't know what it's like to take a nap on couchy. I think you can agree that naps rule.

7. Sex
I think it best that I don't put a visual aid here. You all know what sex is, you can all appreciate that sex is good, some better than others (in my case too!). Nothing beats ending a long rough day at work, or a crazy busy day with the kids than chucking all your clothes on the floor and releasing stress! Yay for sex!
*again, not in any order, I do not like food more than sex!*

8. Laughing
I put this picture because I know Chris will appreciate it. I love to laugh. I love to laugh at my own expense, at other's expense (not to their face unless they're laughing too!), at jokes, at silly stories. Laughing is just awesome, it makes me feel wonderful.

9. Snuggling

I KNOW I'm not a cat, but I didn't want to put a picture of random people snuggling on here. I also don't have a picture of Chris & I snuggling, since we don't have a photographer come into our room to take such photos (could you imagine?!). Can anyone fight me on this one? Is snuggling not a great feeling? You're snuggling with someone who loves you, who you love (I hope!) and you are closer than you'll ever be to that person unless you're taking part in number 7!

10. Last but not least, reading

Reading is one of my favourite past times, besides eating, snuggling and having sex of course. At the end of the day, after eating, snuggling, and having sex, I love to lie in bed and read for about 15 minutes. It helps me unwind, clear my mind and forget everything I have to do the next day. It helps me fall asleep much faster than the usual 45 minutes it takes me. It is great to lose myself in a book once in awhile!

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

What to blog about?

So I sat at my computer for 10 minutes thinking, "What to blog about, what to blog about".  I asked Chris "What should I blog about?  Give me a subject" and he said, "Ummmm, me".

So here's my blog about Chris.

Where do I begin?  Well, for one, he's "dead sexy", said in my best Austin Powers voice, which quite truthfully is not very good.  

Maybe I should begin at the beginning?  Sounds as good a place as any.

So, let me take you back just over 4 years ago to Cascades.  Both of our relationships had just turned to shit and we had been relying on each other for advice, whining, bitching, complaining, pissing, moaning and what have you.  I had slowly started flirting with Chris after it was clear that both of our relationships were done with.  Unfortunately, as is the case with most guys, Chris had no idea I was flirting.  We had lunch together, with other co-workers as well, pretty well every single day.  I had told only 2 people what was going on in my head and in my heart. 

So imagine my surprise when upon checking my e-mail at work around 3 p.m. one day, I read a lengthy e-mail from Chris.  I don't remember the exact wording, as I accidentally deleted the e-mail one day (I had a long cry about it because I wanted to save it) but it basically said that through our continued bitching with each other about our ex-significant others, he'd come to realize that while at the beginning he was hoping I'd work things out, for the sake of our child, with my ex, he was more and more hoping it wouldn't as he was falling in love with me.  I read the e-mail about four times before getting up from my desk, walking (while shaking) to a boardroom, sitting down, and calling my cousin, one of the two people I'd told about my feelings for Chris.  I was literally shaking.  I was shaking for a few reasons.  

1.  I was overwhelmed with excitement/nervousness/wonder, etc.
2.  I had hoped for some sort of e-mail from Chris stating these things for some time.  After flirting for what felt like forever and no return advances, I figured my chances were slim!

After my conversation with my cousin, I calmly walked back to my desk and typed back to Chris something along the lines of, "I have been hoping for an e-mail like this for a very long time.  I feel the exact same way.  I've been flirting with you for quite some time, but you never seemed to notice".  Something like that, anyway.  The most hilarious response from Chris came back a few minutes later, "Oh my god, thank you so much.  I was sitting here shitting my pants". 
Ain't he a romantic?!?

He actually is a romantic, folks.  He has done several romantic things over the past four plus years.  I'm not going to go into the mushy details, I'm sure you don't want to hear them.  He's also the most patient father I've ever seen.  He's honest, kind, caring, an awesome son, a wicked uncle (ask Ashleigh!), and a cool brother.  And on top of all of that, he's the most amazing boyfriend anyone could ask for.  So eat your heart out, ladies cause he's all mine!!!

I love you, honey!

Hey, you asked for me to write about YOU, so here it is!!!!

See this romantic pic he took???

Friday, May 8, 2009

Another man.....

So, I'm in love with another man. Yep. It's true! What can I say? He's stolen my heart, with his gorgeous smile, his instant ability to erase my grumpies, his cute butt cheeks and kissable lips. How could this happen, you might ask? Everyone knows that Chris makes me SO happy! Well people, it happened quite easily, as this man is none other than my lil man, my awesome Hawksley.

Would you like to hear about the awesomeness of Hawksley? Here's a few awesome tidbits.

1. He's gorgeous. I'm not just saying that because he's my son. Ask anyone. They'll tell you!
2. He's good almost all of the time. Granted, he's not the best night sleeper, and yes, when I roll out of bed at 3 in the morning I'm thinking, "UGH!! Seriously?!?!" But as soon as I walk into his room, I smile. And I smile as I feed him and put him back to bed. He rarely cries, and usually only does so when he's hungry.
3. He has a cute butt, which he keeps up in the air as he sleeps. Which is both awesome and hilarious. As he tries all day long to crawl, he sticks his butt up, then gets up on his hands and rocks back and forth.
4. He loves his siblings. He follows them with his eyes and smiles when he sees or hears them. If he's grumpy in the van, if one of them talk or sing to him, he cheers up quite easily.

I could go on for quite awhile, but if you know me, then you know Hawksley & you know how unbelievably awesome he is. If you haven't yet met Hawksley and would like to know about his awesomeness, let me know! We're available for lunch dates!

"Gonna get you mom!"

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

my favourite sounds

This may be a weird blog subject, but I've made a small list of my favourite noises. A lot of people don't stop to think, "What are some of my favourite noises". But I'm different, or "special" as some people like to call me. I enjoy hearing on a daily basis and can't imagine what it would be like to not be able to hear these favourite noises of mine, never mind any noise at all.

So without further adieu, here's the list you've been dying to read (I'm sure). Take note that these are in no particular order. #1 on the list is not my most favourite, #5 is not my 5th favourite.

1. Hockey puck hitting a stick at a high speed.
- Something about that loud "slap" noise gets me very excited!! I'm sure my readers who are hockey fans will thoroughly agree.

2. The noise an acoustic guitar makes when you slide your fingers up or down the strings to change chords. Not sure how to describe this any better. The noise makes me really REALLY glad I can hear and makes me love music even more than I already do, if that's possible.

3. Hawksley giggling. This seems to be happening a bit more often than it had been. It used to take a really long time to figure out what would make him laugh and by the next day, whatever it was that'd made him laugh yesterday was old news. It's so hearty and so innocent and you know he's not doing it just to humour you - he's doing it because he thinks whatever you're doing is funny.

4. Bailey & Grace playing nicely together. Anyone who has more than one child, especially when those two children are close in age and opposite in sex, will know what I'm talking about. Playing nicely together is usually a rare occasion.

5. The sound of my fingers flying across a computer keyboard. That may be the dorkiest thing ever, but I don't care. I can type about 90 wpm when I've got enough to type about, and I love typing!

That's my list, folks. Feel free to post your list of favourite sounds in the comments box below!

Happy Hump Day!! (or is it, since Friday is a holiday? Whatever, I'll stick with it)

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

things that are hilarious

So, I love to laugh. In fact, it's the way to my heart. Seriously. Anyone who can give me a good chuckle is in with me.

So here's my top ten list of websites that make me laugh. Some may even say they're "top shelf".... watch out, there's two meanings to that.

Seriously - this guy may be better than my kids. No, just kidding. But he is quite awesome.

Nuff said. Chuck Norris rules.

Look up things that seem innocent to you and check out how people have changed their meanings into something NOT innocent whatsoever. Like "top shelf", for example.

I quite enjoy fake news. So should you. Get there.

What more can I say? Mustaches are awesome. Except when one is hanging off my boyfriend's face. Then they're not awesome.

There are several videos on here that are hilarious. Look for Banana Phone. Don't blame me if the song gets stuck in your head for days.

I love Homestar Runner. What more can I say? Strongbad is pretty awesome too, with his boxing hands all the time. Don't know what I'm talking about? Well take a time out from this awesome website and go check it out!

No, snopes is not hilarious, but I would absolutely love it if everyone checked snopes before forwarding me some of the e-mails I get forwarded!!! I do laugh when I read some of the ridiculous stories on snopes though.

At least one of the postcards make me laugh heartily every week. Some of the secrets that people have are sad, or unnerving, but some of them are pretty funny. Check em out!

This is a website where scorned women post pictures and descriptions of how their ex-boyfriends or ex-husbands screwed them over. It's like a "look-out" for other women. I'm sure women in the States scour this website looking to make sure that their man isn't on here. Quite sad.

And the most awesome website of all? Mine of course.....
Keep reading! Keep fit and have fun.